6-Week 100 Push-Up Routine Program
When I started workout, I had one more goal in mind.
'Let's suceed 100 push-ups in 1 set before I die'
In this blog, I'm going to share with you a 6-week push-up routine that will maximize your upper body strength in a short period of time.
I found this routine on the following website.
[Hundred Pushups]
The 100 pushups training program
The 100 pushups training program. Strengthen and sculpt your arms, abs, chest and glutes by training to do 100 consecutive push-ups in six weeks.
Push-ups is the simplest and most effective bodyweight exercise to strengthen your upper body muscles, including your chest, triceps, and shoulders.
This routine is said to be a systematic way to train yourself to do 100 at a time.
-Number of workouts
3 days per week for a total of 6 weeks and is designed to be done at your level.
(e.g., Monday, Thuesday, Friday)
-Basic conditions
Maintain correct posture.
(lower your chest to just before it touches the floor, fully extend your arms on the way up)
-Self-test before starting this routine
Before starting this workout, you should know your maximum number of push-ups you can do at one time.
Measure the maximum number you can do without resting in an upright position.
If possible, measure it the day before you start this routine.
Start the workout with the routine in the week that matches your maximum number.
-How to proceed this program
If you can do less than 5 at a time, you can start with the first column routine in week 1 as follows.
Rest between sets is 1 minute (you can rest longer if you're short)
The + on the last set means that you should try to do the maximum number of reps you can do over and above that number.
In week 2, increase the number of reps, gradually increasing the rest time between sets each day.
(60 seconds, 90 seconds, 120 seconds)
Increasing the rest time will minimize damage at your body.
If you do this well in a standing position, you'll strengthen your core muscles as well.
Don't be too obsessed with the number of reps.
Even if you do one, make sure you do it with the correct form to maximize the benefits.
As soon as your maximum number of repetitions increases, you can move on to parking for that number.
If you fail that week's program, repeat the week again.
In week 5, the number of sets increases and the volume increases dramatically.
and the rest time per set decreases.
This decrease in rest time will allow your muscles to over the strength and muscle mass that will allow you to master high reps of push-ups.
In the final week 6, you'll reduce the reps per set on days 2 and 3, and focus on the last set.
The reduced reps are just a warm-up to maximize your reps in the final set.
After all this routine, you should have the ability to do at least 50-60 push-ups in a set.
-The Last 100 Challenge!!!
If you've made it to the last 6 weeks, it's time to challenge yourself to do 100 at a time!!!
Firstly, Take a day or two of rest first.
Take it slow and start with the idea of doing 10 at a time.
Maintain good posture and don't hold your breath.
(inhale as you go down, exhale as you go up)
If you start to falter, take a few deep breaths to regain your composure.
If you fail, start over with the program from week 5 or 6 of the program again.
You can repeat this process until you reach 100.
Finally, I'm sharing an excel file of the programs I showed above.
If you need it, please take it~
[Download the program]
So, let's try it together!!!