Differences between say, tell, speak, and talk
In Korean
say, tell, speak, talk는 모두 '말하다'라는 뜻을 가지고 있습니다
하지만, 각각의 쓰임새와 의미가 조금씩 다릅니다
아래에 자세히 설명해드릴게요
-의미: ~라고 말하다 (특정한 말을 하다, 말한 내용을 전달하는 데 중점)
-목적어가 거의 안 따라옴 (있다면, 보통 'to + 사람' 형태로 따라옴)
He said to me that he was tired. (그가 나에게 피곤하다고 말했다.)
-인용문나 발언과 함께 자주 쓰임
She said, "Hello." (그녀가 "안녕하세요"라고 말했다.)
-의미: ~에게 말하다 (누군가에게 어떤 메시지나 정보 전달하거나 지시 또는 요청할 때 사용)
-사람(대상)을 반드시 동반
She told me the story. (그녀가 나에게 그 이야기를 해줬다.)
-지시 또는 요청
He told her to be careful. (그가 그녀에게 조심하라고 말했다.)
-의미: (공식적이거나 진지하게) 말하다, (특정 언어를) 구사하다
-상대적으로 격식을 차린 느낌 (주로 연설, 강연 등)
-혼자 말하는 행위에 초점을 두는 경우가 많음
He spoke about his experiences in the meeting. (그는 회의에서 자신의 경험에 대해 말했다.)
-사람을 목적어로 쓸 때는 'to + 사람' 형태
Can I speak to the manager? (매니저와 얘기할 수 있을까요?)
-특정 주제나 언어와 관련될 때 사용
She speaks three languages. (그녀는 3개 언어를 구사한다.)
-의미: (가볍거나 비공식적으로) 대화를 나누다 (대화나 의견 교환에 초점)
-사람과 대화할 때는 "to" 또는 "with" 사용
I talked to her yesterday. (나는 어제 그녀와 이야기했다.)
They were talking with each other for hours. (그들은 서로 몇 시간 동안 이야기하고 있었다.)
-"about"을 사용해 대화 주제를 표시.
Let's talk about the project. (그 프로젝트에 대해 이야기해보자.)
*차이점 요약
Say | Tell | Speak | Talk | |
초점 | 말한 내용 | 정보를 전달한 대상 | 말하기 자체 또는 언어 | 대화나 의견 교환 |
대상 | 거의 없음 (to + 사람) | 반드시 사람 | 주로 없음 (to + 사람 가능) | to/with + 사람 |
격식 | 중간 | 중간~격식 | 격식적 | 비격식 |
예문 | She said, "I’m happy." | She told me she’s happy. | She speaks fluently. | Let’s talk about it. |
In English
1. Say
-Meaning: To say something specific or convey words; focuses on what is said.
-Key Points:
Focuses on the content of what is said.
Rarely followed directly by a person; instead, use "to + someone".
Commonly used with direct or reported speech.
Say + (something) (+ to + someone)
She said, "Hello."
He said to me that he was tired.
What did she say to you?
2. Tell
-Meaning: To inform or instruct someone.
-Key Points:
Always involves a person as the object (someone who is being told).
Focuses on conveying information to someone.
Tell + someone + (something)
Tell + someone + to + verb (used for commands or requests)
She told me the story.
He told her to be careful.
Tell me the truth!
3. Speak
-Meaning: To talk in a formal or serious manner. / To use a specific language.
-Key Points:
Often emphasizes the act of speaking itself.
When referring to a person, use "to + someone".
Commonly used for topics or languages.
Speak + (to + someone) + (about + topic)
Speak + language
Can I speak to the manager?
She speaks three languages.
He spoke about his experiences in the meeting.
4. Talk
-Meaning: To have a light or informal conversation.
-Key Points:
Focuses on conversation or exchange of ideas.
Use "to" or "with" when referring to the person you are talking to.
Use "about" to indicate the topic.
Talk + to/with + someone (+ about + topic)
I talked to her yesterday.
Let’s talk about the project.
They were talking with each other for hours.
*Summary of Differences
Say | Tell | Speak | Talk | |
Focus | What is said | Information conveyed to someone | The act of speaking or the language | Exchange or conversation |
Object | Rarely a person (use "to") | Always a person | Often none (use "to" for people) | "to/with" a person |
Tone | Neutral | Neutral to formal | Formal | Informal |
Examples | She said, "I’m happy." | She told me she’s happy. | She speaks fluently. | Let’s talk about it. |
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